Wunda Smart Help

The WundaSmart app operating mode settings outlined in a red oval

How to turn off your heating

Follow these steps if you ever need to turn your heating entirely off.   Go to: ‘System Settings’ , then press ‘Mode

Boost 1 button with a green LED lit and boost 2 button with no LED lit on a Wunda hub switch device

HubSwitch LED Colours

HubSwitch Set Up LED If you ever have any problems with your Wifi or network here’s some information to help you understand

a black sky Q box with 3 LEDs illuminated on a white background

Connecting to new Sky Q Hub

You will need to split your WIFI into two channels.   Go to your router configuration page by typing into your

an illustration of how to manually install a Wunda radiator head

Do you offer Installation?

We do not provide installation of WundaSmart.

For the smoothest installation, we recommend hiring a professional electrician or heating engineer to fit your WundaSmart HubSwitch.

wide version for the Wunda Smart radiator head on an off white background

Smart Radiator Head Auto Calibration

To ensure proper operation of the Smart Radiator Head, once a week the Smart Radiator Head will close and open the valve and measure the valve stem position.

the add a device display screen from the wunda smart app

How to Add a System

It is possible to have more than one Wunda Smart System connected to your account.

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Visit our support hub for FAQs, How-to videos or to contact one of our experts.

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